Truth Be Told Blog with Lucinda Bassett

Uncovering Steps To Deliberate Living in 2015

Hello Everyone!

Hope your year is getting off to a great start.

I am excited to share a concept with you that I am using myself, along with setting Clear Intentions. It is called coming from a place of doing things in a “deliberate” state. In other words, everything you do, you do in steps, calmly, and with thought.

  1. Calm down
  2. Think before you take action
  3. Make a list, either on paper or in your mind
  4. Do things in order, one at a time
  5. Do things for a reason not randomly
  6. Stay focused so you don’t become scattered
  7. Be and stay organized
  8. Be deliberate in your actions
  9. Have clear intentions
  10. Be patient

For example, before you go out for the day, think about what do you need, take your time, get organized, put things in your bag, put things you don’t need away, i.e. clothes, makeup, etc. The things you are done with. Take your time; think your actions through, slow down.

Before you take a meeting or a business call, what is your intention?  Make a list, think about what outcome do you want and why, what you discuss, and how will you respond and why.  Know why you are having this conversation and what your end result, desires or intentions are, and stick to only those things that will get you there. Don’t think about or focus the “what ifs” etc. Be deliberate.

Before you confront someone, think it through, know your goal, make a list, be clear, stay in the positive, be direct, think calmly, be specific. Be deliberate. There is a REASON for this conversation. There is a desired intention.

I am finding that acting and living daily from a place of deliberate action and clear intention is really changing my life. I am moving more calmly and less scattered. I am more patient and making fewer mistakes. I am not as nervous and calmer with my children. I am getting more done with less effort, and feeling less pressured and allowing myself to live in the moment more.

Deliberate living with clear intention is a skill that takes time and practice. I want to leave you with one of my intentions that I recently wrote and it is working quiet well in my life. Feel free to use it as one of yours.

I am calling forth crystal clarity in the way of “examples” and “signs” coming forward in my life to show me what I “want” and “do not want” in my relationships. I will accept, be open to, and recognize when these signs are brought to me. I move forward and continue to observe these signs without anxiety, understanding that I asked for them to be shown to me for clarity. As I receive this clarity, I will continue to define what I do want, and call forth these healthy, loving relationships, knowing that they are here now, they are looking for me as well, and I will recognize them when I see them and embrace them.

Till next time…



Posted by Lucinda Bassett in Anxiety, Lucinda Bassett, Positive Thinking, Stress and tagged , , , , , .

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