Truth Be Told Blog with Lucinda Bassett

Posts tagged "Lucinda Bassett Midwest Center"

Uncovering Steps To Deliberate Living in 2015

Hello Everyone!

Hope your year is getting off to a great start.

I am excited to share a concept with you that I am using myself, along with setting Clear Intentions. It is called coming from a place of doing things in a “deliberate” state. In other words, everything you do, you do in steps, calmly, and with thought.

  1. Calm down
  2. Think before you take action
  3. Make a list, either on paper or in your mind
  4. Do things in order, one at a time
  5. Do things for a reason not randomly
  6. Stay focused so you don’t become scattered
  7. Be and stay organized
  8. Be deliberate in your actions
  9. Have clear intentions
  10. Be patient

For example, before you go out for the day, think about what do you need, take your time, get organized, put things in your bag, put things you don’t need away, i.e.

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Posted by Lucinda Bassett in Anxiety, Lucinda Bassett, Positive Thinking, Stress.

2015: The Year of “Clear Intentions”

Intention: Purpose and attitude toward the effect of ones thoughts and or behaviors to create a desired end result. A “mental’ and deliberate act or instance of determining action.

As you move forward into this New Year, I ask you to do so with intention. In other words, before you react or take action, think about your intentions for the end result. Think about what you want to accomplish that will result getting you what you want in life. Think about how you need to react with others to make your desires and intentions for your life this year your reality.

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Posted by Lucinda Bassett in Positive Thinking.

Ten Minute FREE Pre-Coaching Call!

As a result of all the recent requests for personal coaching with me, I had a fabulous idea that would allow me to talk to people for FREE for ten minutes AND give people a clear understanding of what coaching one-on-one with me is all about, how it works, and if it is right for them.

People are LOVING it, and so am I!  I really enjoy connecting with folks and hearing from so many of you who have read my books and purchased one of my programs…so what are you waiting for?

Call Darla, my assistant right now at 1-855-520-HEAL (4325) to set up your free call with me and let’s chat!  

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Posted by Lucinda Bassett in Anxiety, Coach, Depression, Grief, Lucinda Bassett.