Truth Be Told Blog with Lucinda Bassett

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When the Holidays are Lonely

Guest Post written by Linda Lochridge Hoenigsberg

Flipping through a magazine, you come across a colorful photograph of a young couple sipping hot chocolate, wrapped in a fluffy red fleece throw.  In the background are children playing with their new toys, sitting in front of a crackling fire.  A beautifully decorated Christmas tree sparkles in the corner of the artfully decorated living room.  Your mind quickly does the math, and you glance around at meager (in comparison) furnishings and a Charley Brown tree.  You come up short, and you begin to feel that familiar sense of gloom descend upon you, a heavy hand on the top of your head. 

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Posted by Lucinda Bassett in Anxiety, Coach, Depression, Grief, Health, Illness, Loneliness, Loss, Lucinda Bassett, Mental Illness, Negative Thinking, Positive Thinking, PTSD, Relationships, Sadness, Sexual Abuse, Starting Over, Truth Be Told.

Mild Depression

Mild Depression: You sometimes feel tired or down for no definable reason. You may have a hard time getting motivated to do things. Sleeping may be a problem at times. You may feel sad or overly sensitive about things. Perhaps you cry a little more easily than you use to. Possibly you’re eating too much or too little. You may have less energy and enthusiasm. These are all signs of mild depression, which everyone experiences at one time or another. If they continue, get worse, or affect the quality of your life on an ongoing basis, it’s time to take action.

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Posted by Lucinda Bassett in Anxiety, Coach, Depression, Grief, Health, Illness, Loneliness, Loss, Lucinda Bassett, Mental Illness, Negative Thinking, Positive Thinking, PTSD, Relationships, Sadness, Sexual Abuse, Starting Over, Truth Be Told.

Defining Depression

The Oxford Dictionary defines depression as a pathological state of extreme dejection or melancholy, characterized by a mood of hopelessness and feelings of inadequacy, often with physical symptoms. A reduction in vitality, vigor, and spirits.

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Posted by Lucinda Bassett in Anxiety, Coach, Depression, Grief, Health, Illness, Loneliness, Loss, Lucinda Bassett, Mental Illness, Negative Thinking, Positive Thinking, PTSD, Relationships, Sadness, Sexual Abuse, Starting Over, Truth Be Told.

Truth Be Told With Lucinda Bassett- The Life Priorities Pie

In order to pinpoint areas of your life that need more attention, it is imperative to look more closely at what screams out as lacking. You probably already know which areas they are, but in order to achieve balance, let’s do the following “slices of life” exercise.
            Below is an illustration of the Life Priorities Pie. There is only so much time in your day and in your life, as there is only so much pie on the pie platter.

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Posted by Lucinda Bassett in Anxiety, Coach, Depression, Grief, Health, Illness, Loneliness, Loss, Lucinda Bassett, Mental Illness, Negative Thinking, Positive Thinking, PTSD, Relationships, Sadness, Sexual Abuse, Starting Over, Truth Be Told.

Truth Be Told With Lucinda Bassett- My Things

One night, when I was obsessed with scary thoughts, David offered to take me out to dinner to get my mind off myself. I insisted on picking the restaurant and sitting as close to the door as possible. I didn’t eat because I didn’t want to get an upset stomach. David sat there enjoying his steak, while I obsessed. What was wrong with me? Would I ever be normal? That night I lay in my living room on the sofa and cried. Was there anyone out there who had what I had and didn’t lose their minds or die? Could I be helped?

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Posted by Lucinda Bassett in Anxiety, Coach, Depression, Grief, Health, Illness, Loneliness, Loss, Lucinda Bassett, Mental Illness, Negative Thinking, Positive Thinking, PTSD, Relationships, Sadness, Sexual Abuse, Starting Over, Truth Be Told.