Truth Be Told Blog with Lucinda Bassett

New Year, New You?



Sounds trite, but so true. This is it; the beginning of a new year. What better time than now to sit down and decide what you want to change and improve. What better time to get the people “out “ of your space that treat you badly. What better time to put good clear thoughts about the types of people you want in your life, to come in to your life.

Have you made your list yet? The list of things you want to accomplish this year. My list is a mile long. I suggest you list personal goals first, then professional goals, then list things you want to do, to just “do” because you want to. For example, I want to take French cooking and learn to speak French. I want to spend more time getting comfortable with time alone. I want to spend more time with my son because he is becoming this incredible man right in front of my eyes.

What do you want to do this year? What is going to make 2015 a good year for you?

I personally feel the last several years have been challenging and full of ups and downs for the world as a whole. This year feels like it might be a breath of fresh air. Like it might be full of new beginnings and fresh ways of thinking. Open your mind and your heart. Think out of the box. Dream big. Reach out and try new things. Take a class in social media. Learn how to play the piano. Take dance lessons. Join a dating service. Just do it. Live.

This is the year. 2015. It has a nice “ring” to it doesn’t it? So here is a twist on what if thinking… What if 2015 could change your life? What if this is the year of “the new you”? What if this year you fall in love, find a new career, get your health back on track, and lose 30 pounds? Anything is possible.

I am a believer and I am going forward with confidence and a smile. I will make things happen because I will use my anxious energy as fuel to strategize and manifest. After all 50 is the new 40, and 70 is the new 60, and people are re-creating themselves at 80! So let’s get out there, learn what we don’t know and use what we do. No excuses…

Here’s to the future and a great 2015.   Write to me and tell me your plans!




Posted by Lucinda Bassett in Holidays and tagged , , .

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