Truth Be Told Blog with Lucinda Bassett


Well, it’s that time of the year again… the holidays. What a fabulous time to celebrate life, love, and loved ones. It is often a magical time, full of great energy. Of course there are those of us who are alone, not in a relationship, or don’t have much in the way of family members or even friends, and we may struggle with our own feelings of being ‘alone’.  I know that one. This will be the first year my daughter and her husband won’t be around for either Thanksgiving or Christmas, and it changes the whole experience. This will be the first year I will not be decorating my entire house, a big tradition for me. This will be the first year I am not having a big Thanksgiving, cooking for 20 some people… Life is full of change.

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That said, not knowing where all of you are in your lives, I thought it would be good to share tips for everyone that can be applicable around this particular holiday, Thanksgiving.

  1. Don’t be alone; don’t be afraid to invite yourself to someone else’s dinner.
  2. Don’t let others be alone, even if you just reach out to one person.
  3. Volunteer to be part of a serving at a shelter, alone or as a family. It will make you all appreciate life and giving back.
  4. Pace yourself. IF you are preparing food, the main meal or just a dish to take to someone else’s home, do prep work ahead of time. It is fun to bake the day before. Do the pies and a side dish or two.
  5. Get plenty of sleep and rest in the next few days and watch your alcohol intake. If there is any chance of feeling lonely or depressed before the holiday or during alcohol will only encourage and exacerbate these feelings.
  6. Make lists and shop early and organize your cooking.
  7. Ask everyone who might be coming to bring a dish and tell each one specifically what to bring.
  8. Pick up some inexpensive games and coloring books etc. for the kids who might be attending.
  9. Don’t over think things.   Make a plan and stick to it and enjoy the moment.
  10. Stay in the gratitude of the holiday. Give thanks for being around to enjoy the experience at all. And remember those who have left us, and celebrate for and in honor of them.

That’s it for now.

Happy Thanksgiving To All…





Posted by Lucinda Bassett in Loneliness.

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