Truth Be Told Blog with Lucinda Bassett

But I am ALWAYS ANXIOUS these days!

And of course you are…these are anxious times we are living in.  It is difficult to know when to stop worrying.  The world has gotten much smaller as a result of all the social media and access to information on a daily, if not hourly basis.  These are real, big, scary issues we are facing as a world.  The Ebola virus is absolutely fear inducing to all of us, the ISIS crisis, which is beyond horrific and completely beyond comprehension. The instability in the Middle East, the financial vulnerability of Europe,  and then there is the volatility of the stock market.  What and where can you go to FEEL safe?   Sometimes it seems there is nowhere to run.

I can relate as a single woman and mother.  Not only do I worry about the world and  myself, I worry about my adult kids.  It seems there are days when anxiety just takes control and fear and anticipation can run amuck.  What if they don’t get control of the Ebola Virus, how many innocent people will die?  Is it safe to travel?   What if this ISIS group grows in to stronger, and even more wicked force?  How can we let this happen?  What can we do to stop this horrific torture?  What if Europe goes bankrupt, what if the U.S. economy falls apart and we lose what money we have worked so hard to save?   What then?  What if I can’t stop feeling anxious?   What if I don’t calm down?  What if I can’t sleep?  Ugh.  Why do I always feel on edge?

Is this you?  If it is, first, know that you are not alone.  We are all in this together and that is part of the problem and part of the solution long term.  Selfishness and self-centering is not going to get us anywhere as an individual or as a world.  That said, understanding that we are surrounded by turmoil that is OUT OF OUR CONTROL is key to being able to live in the MOMENT, which is where true peace lies.  Ask any Buddhist, or yogi or anyone who is in truly in touch with themselves and able to let go and just “be”.  This is not only your God given right; it is a necessary mechanism for survival and life happiness.

Easier said than done you say, true.  But let me help you help yourself begin.

  1. Recognize and realize that there are real anxiety issues in the world…what are you focusing on?  Something you have control over or something you don’t?
  2. Remind yourself how fortunate you are to be you for whatever reasons you have.  And if you can do “anything” to make a difference… do it.  Then…
  3. Get up get going and get in the moment…walk, call a friend, play with the dog, your children, your husband…go for a bike ride, go to the gym, get on the dusty treadmill, but get out of your head.
  4. Smile, laugh, slow down, be happy even if you don’t “feel” it, you will feel better and others around you will enjoy you more.
  5. Slow your breathing, be kind to yourself, and surround yourself with love; from yourself, your family and friends, your pets.  Tomorrow is another day.  And as my husband used to say, it will getter better, then it might get worse, but it “will” get better.  Tomorrow is another day, another opportunity for life. We can’t control everything, but we can control how we respond.

Till next time…





Posted by Lucinda Bassett in Anxiety and tagged , , , , , , .

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